Building Team Synergy Training Course

When teams work in synergy they realise the potential that all teams have – which is that as a team, they can be more than the sum of the individual people.  To reach this high performing synergistic state, participants are involved in a workshop style training day that demonstrates how much more can be created by genuinely working together, having an appreciation for the different complementary strengths that come through diversity, and proactively working to the strengths of each team member. The activities involve communication adaptability, personality type awareness, strengths discovery and management strategies, as well as experiencing greater outcomes working together. Learning Outcomes Communicate Effectively Increased Collaboration Influence and Negotiation Engage and Develop People Inspire Trust Manage Disruption and change Value Diversity Self-Development Solve Problems Course Outline   Building Team Synergy Training Course – Lesson 1From ‘me’ to ‘we’ My Personal Style, Your Personal Style Communication Preferences Flexing Your Style Reflection Building Team Synergy Training Course – Lesson 2The path to synergy Forming Teams The Potential for Synergy Flexing Your Style Creating an Environment for Synergy Reflection Building Team Synergy Training Course – Lesson 3Trust Building Trust Losing and Regaining Trust Trust in My Team Team Charter Reflection Building Team Synergy Training Course – Lesson 4Maximising member contributions by leveraging strengths My Strengths The Team’s Strengths Reflection Building Team Synergy Training Course – Lesson 5High-performing teams Team Leadership 4-D Teams My Team Performance Reflection Building Team Synergy Training Course – Lesson 6Reflections Create an Action Plan Accountability = Action