Young adults are passionate about making a difference in their world, yet often don’t feel fully equipped or have the confidence to make the impact they want to. Passion without the needed skills and knowledge to help and lead others can leave young adults feeling intimidated to try, worried what they’re doing is not enough to make change, vulnerable to give up entirely, and compare themselves that they are not as good as other leaders they see around them. Our world needs young adults to be equipped to with the skills to cultivate your world-changing plans to life. We get it. We know what it’s like to have a hunger to bring change and to help people but still feel like you have a competency gap to be truly effective. We’ve been where you are. In this program, you will be equipped by professionals in fields ranging from psychology to theology to equip you to help you change your world. We have developed two program options to suit your lifestyle to suit 18-25 year olds. We’d love to help you become more of the leader you are designed to be. It’s not as hard as you think. We’ll give you the info. We’ll ask you the questions. We’ll coach you along. All you have to do is sign up, show up, discover more about your unique self, and gain the skills and knowledge to become the best leader. Truly, you can be one of those people that others look up to. You can make a difference for others. It’s simply a choice to be equipped and have a crack.