How to Write a Memoir

Everyone has a story to tell and everyone is telling it. – William Zinsser

Writing a memoir involves both tracking the story of your life AND finding the life in your story.

Writing techniques are valuable but so is locating the theme of your life and weaving this through your life writing.

This course aims to take people beyond the dry, timeline approach to memoir writing and infuse more mythic imagination and emotionality into it.

In this unique workshop you will transform memories into stories, find your original voice and turn your life’s events into a compelling read.

Archetypes, ancient wisdom, social science and modern psychology are just some of the themes we will explore over the week.

In addition to writing your stories, there will be discussions and opportunities to share your work in what is a highly connecting and social experience.

You can find out more about this approach via this webpage:

Bookings can be made through the event host (Camp Creative)

Marcus Dabb operates Writes of Passage Retreats in the Blue Mountains, NSW. His career has revolved around ***** education with a particular focus on helping people recognise their talents and find the courage to express them. The Different Drummer: Follow your own beat to find enlivening work and lead an extraordinary life, is Marcus’ first book.

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