Literacy and Learning in Year 1 & 2 November 2020

What to teach? When to screen? How to cater for the range in ability?   This one day Literacy and Learning in Year 1 and 2 seminar will provide you with the structure and tools to improve the literacy outcomes of your Year 1 and 2 students. Researchers consistently express the returns are greatest within the junior primary.  With a focus on PLD’s evidence-based structured synthetic phonic approach to literacy, students reading, spelling and writing will transition into a ‘effortless’ process. Recommended for staff working within Year 1 and 2, this seminar explores: How to implement PLD’s structured synthetic phonics approach in Year 1 and 2. How focused instruction can be delivered to a class with a range in student ability. The teaching of decoding, fluency and the relevance of decodable reading material.  Time efficient decoding and spelling assessments designed to identify the range in ability so teachers can be more focused in their instruction. Assessments and instruction for students not reading and spelling. Phonic dictation as a medium to transfer phonic concepts into written work. Techniques to apply for poor (or reluctant) writers. Oral language instruction which facilitates the ability to speak in complex, grammatically correct sentences.  Narrative retelling and generation to increase comprehension and written expression ability.  For more information or to view this seminar flyer, click here. Testimonials The content of your session was fantastic, I only wish it went for longer. Your delivery of the content, I believe, is why our staff sought you out in the first place.  Luke – Assistant Principal   We continue to grow under your guidance and teaching!  We are certainly making progress with our students but they do seem to be coming to school with less each year. Our staff continues to access your PD and rave about what they have learnt.  You are such an inspiration to all of us. I want to thank you for your outstanding professional learning and guidance.  You have given us the confidence and knowledge in such a succinct and sensible way to work with students of this age in this area.  Your professional learning should be mandatory for all teachers.  Rebecca – K-2 Coordinator  Thank you so much for yesterday. It was an amazing day and so much was accomplished. Despite being a principal, I am a junior teacher at heart and I found what you were presenting to the teachers so very useful. Gwen – Educational Support Unit Principal  I work in a remote community school. I have a variety of literacy levels and use your program, to engage my class. Since using PLD my class has made considerable improvement and this is being tracked using your useful assessments.  Chloe – remote community school  Your PL totally exceeded our expectations and has given us a fantastic starting point for putting together a whole school literacy plan. Cathy – Year 1 & 2 Teacher Frequently Asked Questions Where is nearby parking? Can I access public transport to get to PLD? I don’t have access to a credit card to buy a seminar ticket – can you send me an invoice? How do I transfer to a different seminar or date? Have another question?  Please click here to view the full range of FAQs. | Contact | Privacy | Terms